We are committed to providing a high-quality service and experience to all our participants and customers. We value and welcome your input. 

If you would like to give us feedback then please email our Creative Director on deborah@somersetfilm.com Alternatively you can attend one of regular Have Your Say Events. You can also input via our advisory forums. We currently have two - Disability and Youth - which aim to meet twice a year. These advisory forums input into all aspects of what we do. Attendance can be by anyone and includes individuals and organisations representing these groups.

There may be occasions when problems arise, and you do not receive the service or experience you expect. We want to know when an issue has arisen so that we can put it right and learn from your experience.

If you would like to make a complaint please email our Creative Director on deborah@somersetfilm.com or call 01278 433187 or our Chair of Trustees (Pauline Burr) via chair@somersetfilm.com

Complaints will be acknowledged via email within three working days and an investigation undertaken. We will contact you with the results of that investigation and the steps we are taking to resolve or remedy the complaint.