Wellington Film Festival Programme Announced!
This year’s three-day Wellington Film Festival begins on Friday April 19, bringing a huge variety of films and supporting events to venues across the town. The programme ranges from a late-night showing of disco classic Saturday Night Fever to a movie pub quiz hosted by local TV celebrity Clinton Rogers. Details are now on the festival website so head across there and pop the dates in your diary!
Festival Chair Keith Wheatley writes, “It’s an enormous pleasure to be welcoming people back to the second Wellington Film Festival. What came across so strongly during the first event was how proud people felt to be hosting such an ambitious project in their own small town - mirrored in the surprise from neighbouring communities like Taunton and Tiverton that we had the vision to mount the festival. This year’s programme again aims to have something for everyone , from film buffs to would-be young directors. Ticket prices are as low as we can make them and, as last time, some events are free. Finally, a huge thankyou to the professionals at Somerset Film – without whom there would be no festival.”