Take loved, but hardly worn, items from your wardrobe to swap with clothes someone else no longer needs. To get involved bring along at least one item of unwanted clothing. Clothing should be in decent and wearable condition. You will have the opportunity to look at other clothes and pick out items for free.
How does it work?
1. Take loved, but hardly worn, items from your wardrobe to swap with clothes which someone else no longer need.
2. Bring up to 5 pieces of clothing or accessories from your wardrobe (cleaned and prepared) to The Engine Room.
3. Come to The Engine Room between 11am – 1pm on Saturday 25 March to join this free clothes swap event, and swap to items others have brought in.
Why not stay for our free film screening of Fashion Reimagined?
Saturday 25 March 2023
2PM - 3:40 PM
Trailblazing fashion designer Amy Powney is on a mission to create a sustainable collection from field to finished garment and transform the way we engage with fashion, read more or book your seat.