Somerset Film’s Engine Room and Café is an accessible community media centre based in Bridgwater. The venue has a mix of facilities: a venue, room hire, multi-media studio space, flexible working and alongside a popular town centre café.
Is your building fit for the future?
Join Decarb Somerset and Community Council for Somerset (CCS) on this site visit to find out how they’ve approached retrofit in a multi-purpose building, ask questions and get ideas and coffee!
This is a not to be missed opportunity if you want to:
See the improvements made by installing air source heat pumps and solar panels
Find out more about carbon impact reporting in the arts sector
Understand your "sphere of influence" amongst your audiences/user groups/beneficiaries.
Find out more on the Decarb Somerset.
Deb Richardson, Creative Director at Somerset Film tells us, "We recently undertook a focussed look at our outreach projects. It revealed that our biggest area of influence/change is the audience/participants. We’d be interested in finding out what more we can do with limited capacity."